A Little Less Girl Chapter 9 Summary


  • Jake goes to see Coach Higgins about being the assistant coach for the team.
  • Raynesville is a bit of a swimming town. The sport is a huge deal here, and parents are thrilled when their kids make this team because they've won so many championships.
  • Inside Coach Higgins's office, Jake spots Dani just as she's leaving. Turns out she's there to ask about tryouts. Jake's heart skips a beat. Actually, make that several.
  • Anyway, onto important business. Last year the swim team lost the championship because Jake quit. Sure, there was all that stuff about that girl that killed herself, but that's no reason not to swim your heart out, is it? Or so Coach Higgins's thinking seems to go.
  • Jake isn't so sure, but he agrees to join the team again and help coach.
  • Before first period, Blister tells Jake that he got a ride to school with Dani that morning. Seriously, this girl is like an angel; already Blister has fallen pretty hard for her.
  • Jake's kind of glad that he's not the only one who thinks Dani is super beautiful. He'll probably forget about her soon, though, right?
  • Blister asks if Jake is interested in Dani, reminding him that she's Amy's cousin so it would be awkward. Plus Blister has a better chance if pretty boy Jake is out of the way.
  • Jake is kind of annoyed by all this so he ends up avoiding Blister for the rest of the morning.
  • He does run into his little sister, Hannah. Turns out high school isn't all she imagined it would be. Poor kid might be a little too smart and nerdy and into sci-fi for her own good.
  • At lunch, Blister and Jake sit together and Alex joins them. Alex mentions that the guys have a little pool going for who can get it on with Dani first.
  • Blister is not amused, so Jake makes Alex scram.
  • Just then, Dani stops by to say hello to Blister—and then she sits down to eat with him and Jake. But Jake just can't be around her. His swooning heart can't take the heat, so he gets up and leaves the table.
  • At which point he's promptly cornered by Katrina. She misses him. Doesn't he miss her?
  • Seriously, this is year is going to be ridiculously long.