Rosa Coldfield (Miss Rosa) Timeline and Summary


Rosa Coldfield (Miss Rosa) Timeline and Summary

This character timeline is in chronological order. This isn't how things go down in the book, but we wanted to make it a little easier to follow. Even Faulkner wanted it that way (he includes a chronology in the book itself), so we feel okay about it.

  • 1845: Miss Rosa is born, and her mother dies in childbirth. This happened quite a bit back then, but it doesn't make it any less sad.
  • 1859: Our lady falls in love with Charles Bon from a photograph: she never actually meets him, but he's so studly, it doesn't really matter.
  • c. 1860: Rosa begins writing poetry for the Southern cause. A storyteller and a poet, to boot.
  • c. 1864: She moves out to Sutpen's Hundred, and the next year, begins dressing only in black.
  • April 1865: Rosa agrees to marry Sutpen, only to renege the next year when she finds out why he wanted to marry her (to bear a son). After this, she moves back to Jefferson.
  • September 1909: She summons Quentin to her house to tell him her stories about Thomas Sutpen. She also asks Quentin to escort her out to the big house: when they get to Sutpen's Hundred, they discover Henry Sutpen is living there. (!)
  • December 1909: Miss Rosa returns to Sutpen's Hundred with an ambulance, but before she can get there, Clytie burns down the house and Miss Rosa collapses.
  • January 1910: She dies, and Quentin hears about it through a letter from his dad.