Alas, Babylon Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Alas, Babylon? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. ______ becomes the most popular spot for entertainment after The Day.

Randy's house
The library
The theater
Your mom's house
Q. What happens to the Braggs' last car?

It runs out of gas.
It breaks down.
It's stolen by highwaymen.
It becomes sentient.
Q. Randy feels hope for the first time after seeing—

two bears high-five.
Lib on their wedding day.
Peyton protect Ben Franklin.
a notice for an Easter service.
Q. Why does Randy lead an ambush on the highwaymen?

They attacked and robbed Dan Gunn.
They stole his last stores of gasoline.
They cheated him in a deal.
They have ugly mustaches.
Q. How does Lavinia McGovern die?

She drowns in a river.
She loses access to insulin.
She's killed by radiation sickness.
She overdoses on orange juice.