Amélie (Audrey Tautou)’s Timeline and Summary

Amélie (Audrey Tautou)’s Timeline and Summary

  • Amélie is born.
  • Amélie is raised by two distant parents and entertains herself with her own imagination. When her mother dies, her father becomes even more distant.
  • As an adult, Amélie discovers an old tin full of toys in her bathroom. She vows to return the tin to its owner.
  • After Amélie finds the owner—and changes his life—she decides to do good deeds for everyone in her life.
  • Amélie takes her dad's gnome and sends it around the world with a flight attendant friend to inspire her father to take a trip of his own.
  • Amélie fixes up Georgette and Joseph, the two most miserable people in the café.
  • Amélie plays cruel pranks on Collignon the grocer to get revenge on him for his mean treatment of Lucien, his employee.
  • And Amélie leaves tapes for Mr. Dufayel, who cannot leave his apartment.
  • Mr. Dufayel encourages Amélie to pursue a boy she likes name Nino Quincampoix.
  • Amélie finds Nino's lost photo album and devises a scheme to return it to him without actually having to interact with him.
  • Nino wants to meet Amélie, but she keeps playing games with him.
  • Finally, Nino speaks to Amélie's coworker Gina and finds Amélie's address.
  • Nino visits Amélie, but she doesn't answer the door. She's too scared.
  • Mr. Dufayel sends Amélie a tape telling her to go for it—and by it, we mean Nino, of course.
  • Amélie can leave her apartment, unlike Dufayel, so she needs to take full advantage of it.
  • She does, bumping right into Nino, and it's instant love.