How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #1
Forgive me. I thought the road to President might begin at the entrance to her Irish heart. (1.2)
From the get-go, Rojack sees Deborah as a way to join the upper class. Sure, he's already a war hero and congressman, but you best believe he has higher highs in him than that.
Quote #2
Kelly's family was just Kelly; but he had made a million two hundred times. So there was a vision of treasure, far-off blood, and fear. (1.2)
Well that's a nasty vision, if you ask us—Rojack should probably get his eyes checked. The idea of so much wealth is both intriguing and horrifying to Rojack, as if he already knows how many sacrifices he'll need to make to reach that rung of the social ladder.
Quote #3
Those became the years when the gears worked together, the contacts and the insights, the style and the manufacture of oneself. (1.8)
In order to join high society, Rojack must rebuild his identity from the ground up—he's like a method actor who stays in character whether the cameras are on or off. The loss of his identity is the first of many sacrifices he'll need to make on the road to the top.