Leora Tozer Timeline and Summary


Leora Tozer Timeline and Summary

  • When she first meets Martin Arrowsmith, Leora Tozer is a novice nurse who's just getting her feet wet in the hospital system. She's fairly familiar and rude with Martin at first; but this is exactly what makes him interested in her.
  • After some dating, Leora becomes engaged to Martin. Shortly afterward, he introduces her to Madeline Fox, the other woman he's engaged to. Leora ends up winning out, though. The two of them get married after some bickering with Leora's parents.
  • Leora moves with Martin to her hometown of Wheatsylvania. But the town proves a little too small and unfriendly for Martin, and they move away to a larger city of Nautilus.
  • Things don't work out in Nautilus, either. But Leora doesn't mind leaving this time because Martin has taken to flirting with a teenage girl named Orchid. She still stands by him, though.
  • After an eventual move to New York, Leora settles into a comfortable life. She never sees Martin, but she's willing to make the sacrifice so he can pursue his scientific ambitions.
  • When Martin decides to go to the Caribbean to fight a plague outbreak, Leora demands to go with him. When they get to the island, Martin runs around dishing out vaccinations and kissing another woman named Joyce Lanyon.
  • While Martin is away, Leora catches the plague and dies. Right until she falls unconscious, she remains convinced that Martin will show up and save her.