Arrowsmith Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Arrowsmith? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. Who leaves Martin when she finds out he has another fiancé?

Leora Tozer
Madeline Fox
Orchid Pickerbaugh
Mamie Pocock
Q. Who tells Martin he's too immature to take his bacteriology course in his first year of medical school?

Max Gottlieb
Dr. Pickerbaugh
Dean Silva
Dr. Moriarty
Q. What town is Leora Tozer from?

Q. What's the name of the state that Martin goes to med school in?

Rhode Island
South Dakota
Q. What's the name of the organization in New York where Martin ends up working?

The Arrowsmith Initiative
The McGurk Institute
The Tubbs Foundation
The Delta Project