Austenland Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Austenland? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. What is the name of Jane's first love, from when she was four?

Alex Ripley
Justin Kimble
Rudy Liev
Tony the Tiger
Q. What does Ray Riboldi smear into Jane's hair at age seventeen?

Dog poop
A Hostess cupcake
A wonderful cream rinse
Q. What theme park ride marks the beginning of Jane's relationship with Josh Lake?

The Vertigo coaster
The Drop 'n' Swing
The teacups
The Tunnel o' Luv
Q. Which of Jane's ex-boyfriends dumped her when he decided to run for Congress?

Paul Diaz
Juan Inskeep
Bobby Winkle
Anthony Weiner
Q. Which boyfriend only dates Jane as a bet with his own girlfriend (who isn't Jane)?

Peter Sosa
Clark Barnyard
Tad Harrison
Marvin, the gardener