Ballad of the Sad Cafe and Other Stories Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Ballad of the Sad Cafe and Other Stories? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. What's the one kind of doctoring Miss Amelia won't do?

ear, nose, and throat
women's health
on herself
Q. How does she test her medical tinctures before using them on her patients?

feeds it to the pigs
gives them to Lymon
mixes them with her customers' whiskey
takes them herself
Q. What's ailing the small child who Henry Macy is looking after?

a boil on his thigh
a broken arm
just, you know, general malaise
a big splinter
Q. Why does Miss Amelia offer medical care?

She has a degree.
She enjoys it.
She feels competitive with the other doc in town.
She loves everyone in town and never wants anyone to suffer.
Q. What are the two types of "advice" Miss Amelia gave to her patients after Marvin Macy and Cousin Lymon leave town for good?

you're going to die; here's a far-fetched treatment that may or may not work
you're going to live forever; you're going to die in five minutes
leave town and never come back; balance a peach on your nose
tie a string to your tooth; make a wish on a star