Marvin Macy Timeline and Summary


Marvin Macy Timeline and Summary

  • Marvin Macy is born one of seven children to abusive parents who work at the town's mill.
  • When the mill closes, and Macys can no longer care for their children, Marvin is adopted along with his brother Henry by Mrs. Mary Hale.
  • Marvin spends his adolescence making evil mischief and chasing the pretty girls in town.
  • At the age of twenty-two, Marvin Macy falls for Miss Amelia, but seems to feel as if he's quite ready or worthy of her love.
  • After two years of moral self-rehabilitation, Marvin proposes to Miss Amelia, and she accepts.
  • Marvin Macy and Miss Amelia marry.
  • The first ten days of the marriage go from bad to worse, and after ten days and a few violent rebuffs, Marvin Macy leaves town.
  • Marvin Macy is rumored to have robbed three gas stations and one grocery store, and is suspected of murder.
  • He is caught in the act, breaking and entering, and sent to prison.
  • Released from prison, Marvin sends his brother a letter saying he's free.
  • Marvin Macy is dropped off in front of the café, encountering Cousin Lymon but not paying him much mind.
  • The hunchback begins to follow Marvin, to the mill where the ex-con distracts the workers, then visits his adoptive mother's home, the pond, the three town stores, and finally to Miss Amelia's café, where he ignores a sign proclaiming that he himself stay off the premises.
  • When the mill workers are done for the day, they all want to ask Marvin about his time in jail.
  • Marvin's estranged wife Miss Amelia returns to her café to find him there, despite the sign.
  • The hunchback is trying to get Marvin's attention, but he's not interested, asking what's wrong with him as he wiggles his ears, dances, and eventually trips and falls on the floor.
  • Marvin Macy elbows his way into his adoptive mother Mrs. Hale's home, eating more than his share and claiming the front room.
  • Each day he struts around town, doing nothing much, the hunchback close behind.
  • Each night he visits Miss Amelia's café, where he enjoys free drinks, and sometimes, Sunday dinner.
  • Miss Amelia tries to hurt him, trip him, and poison him, but nothing works.
  • Marvin Macy moves into Cousin Lymon's room at Miss Amelia's.
  • Each evening at the café, he picks at his guitar, drinking and allowing Cousin Lymon to make him laugh.
  • Each night, he and his wife nearly exchange blows, until one day it's time for them to fight.
  • Although they're evenly matched, Miss Amelia manages to pin Marvin.
  • When the hunchback attacks Miss Amelia, Marvin is allowed to gain the upper hand and win the fight.
  • Along with Lymon, Marvin Macy steals or destroys all of Miss Amelia's stuff as she sleeps.
  • Marvin and Lymon leave town before dawn, never heard from again.