Carmen Timeline and Summary


Carmen Timeline and Summary

  • Carmen is one of the terrorists who takes over the house (though we don't figure that out for quite a while).
  • Carmen is revealed to be a girl. Surprise!
  • Carmen falls in love with the music she's hearing and starts to look out for Roxane's welfare. Cute.
  • Carmen asks Gen to help her learn reading, writing, and languages. She maybe has a crush on him, but we don't get that info up-front yet.
  • Carmen and Roxane become friends.
  • Carmen begins learning from Gen. The butterflies keep a-fluttering.
  • There's an emotional chat, and then Carmen kisses Gen. Cue the romance. By this point it's super obvious they have it bad for each other.
  • Carmen and Gen help Mr. Hosokawa sneak to Roxane's room to spend the night with her. And then she and Gen go spend the night together in the garden. Chilly, but romantic.
  • Carmen helps negotiate for Roxane to go outside to comfort Cesar. After that, everyone can go outside (though they're still guarded with guns).
  • Carmen and Gen talk about their future together. They try not to think about how unfeasible it is.
  • Carmen is shot by the invading government soldiers. Her tragic opera fate is fulfilled.