Duty. It's no coincidence that it's a homonym for doodie, because sometimes it can be a real pain in the butt. It's also a major driving factor for Jahanara throughout Beneath a Marble Sky, leading to various issues like imprisonment, an extremely unhappy marriage, and extended separations from loved ones.
An overdeveloped sense of duty makes Ladli sign on for a life with the terrible Aurangzeb, and it motivates Nizam to do a number of difficult things in service to Jahanara's family. It certainly doesn't help that she keeps making deathbed promises to people. Come on, Jahanara, get some self-control?
Questions About Duty
- What are some of the drawbacks to Jahanara having a strong sense of duty? What about rewards?
- What does Jahanara's mother say about duty? How about her dad?
- Does Isa understand Jahanara's need to fulfill what she thinks is her duty? Does her daughter?
- Does Aurangzeb have a sense of duty toward Hindustan? What is it?