How It All Goes Down
Billy And Mango Are Out For A Walk
- Bravo's asked to leave the owner's suite at the end of the first quarter, because it's the Mexican Ambassador's turn to schmooze.
- The guys all go back to freezing their butts off in their seats.
- Billy has two texts: one from Kathryn, asking where he's sitting, and the other is from that darned Pastor Rick.
- The reason Pastor Rick feels so comfortable texting Billy so much is that they'd had a heart-to-heart backstage after Rick had done the invocation for one of Bravo's rallies.
- Billy talked about how devastating Shroom's death had been for him, cried, and had a moment of catharsis then—but it was fleeting, at best.
- Now, Pastor Rick is probably just drawn to Billy's celebrity status and thinking about what it can mean for his street cred.
- Billy and Mango hate sitting on the aisle, because it means that they're the point-men for all the well-wishers and autograph-seekers, and so they have to be "on" all the time.
- Billy gets anxious and antsy, so he grabs Mango to go for a walk to see Faison.
- Billy and Mango push their way down to front-row seats and get Faison's attention, to Mango's utter shock.
- Billy and Faison flirt for about two minutes before security kicks them out.
- Faison yells that she'll see Billy at halftime on the field.
- Mango is stunned that Billy has a gorgeous cheerleader girlfriend. He advocates that Billy "hit that ASAP" before she forgets who he is. Wow, that's friendship for you.
- A-bort calls Billy to tell him Dime's pissed that they pulled a disappearing act. While they're on the phone, A-bort finds out what they're going to have to do at halftime. He doesn't sound pleased.