Black Beauty Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Black Beauty? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. What sport does Beauty witness as a colt that's a harsh reminder of the way some humans treat animals?

Horse racing
Q. How do Squire Gordon and John Manly believe a temperamental horse like Ginger should be treated?

With kindness and affection
With plenty of exercise
With a few well-timed kicks
With a tight bearing rein
Q. Which horse has a docked tail, another reminder of cruelty toward animals?

Sir Oliver
Q. What does Beauty do when he feels that a bridge is unsafe to cross?

Goes across anyway
Refuses to move
Makes a lot of noise
Bites his master
Q. According to Beauty, how can horses tell what humans are feeling?

Horses speak every language.
They're sensitive to a person's tone of voice.
Horses are telepathic. 
Humans are weird and horses have no clue what they're feeling.