Black Like Me Chapter 21 Summary

December 2, 1959

  • It looks like this is the end of Griffin's experiment. He calls Sepia, but it will be two more days before his photographer can come and wrap up the story. So Griffin decides to go spend some time in a Trappist monastery.
  • He's kind of amazed that there actually is some place on earth where people aren't constantly disrespecting and hating one another.
  • They actually get along, and things are peaceful. Shocking!
  • Honestly, we're pretty happy to not be reading another scene of racism. And we're just reading about it, not living it.
  • At the monastery, Griffin hangs out with a monk who tells him that racism and Christianity are incompatible. They spend a little bit of time laughing about how some people twist the Bible to support their racism, and the monk leaves him with a book that compares this kind of Christianity to atheism.
  • It blows Griffin's mind.