Blitzkrieg Bop Albums

Leave Home (1977)

This is the Ramones' second album, and includes the songs "Pinhead" and "Gimme Gimme Shock Treatment."

Rocket to Russia (1977)

The third Ramones album includes hits like "Sheena is a Punk Rocker," "Teenage Lobotomy," and "Do You Wanna Dance?"

Ramones (1976)

The Ramones' debut album, which features "Blitzkrieg Bop," is probably their best. The album is pretty astonishing from start to finish. It's hard to imagine what this must have sounded like to people when it first came out, since it really was so different from the musical stylings of that time period. The album includes "Blitzkrieg Bop," "Beat on the Brat," "Today Your Love, Tomorrow the World," "Judy Is a Punk," and "I Wanna Be Your Boyfriend."