Benny Alden Timeline and Summary


Benny Alden Timeline and Summary

  • The Alden kids run away from the bakery in the middle of the night, only waking Benny once they're on the road.
  • The kids walk for several nights, sleeping during the day so they won't be seen. Benny constantly complains about being hungry.
  • The children come upon the boxcar and claim it as their home.
  • While Henry works during the day, Benny stays at home with Violet and Jessie. He helps them search for "treasure"—i.e., scavenge dishes from the dump.
  • One day, Benny and the other children tag along with Henry to work. Everyone at Dr. Moore's place loves Benny.
  • One day back at the boxcar, Jessie and Violet teach Benny how to read. He's a quick learner.
  • Benny gives Jessie's dog, Watch, a ridiculous haircut.
  • Benny and the other children move into Dr. Moore's house after Violet gets sick.
  • Mr. Alden, Benny's grandfather, comes to stay at Dr. Moore's, but he doesn't tell Benny or the other kids his true identity. Benny is the first child to meet him, and he likes him immediately.
  • Eventually, Benny learns that Mr. Alden is his grandfather. He and the other kids go to live in Mr. A.'s fancy house.