The Boxcar Children Plot Analysis

Most good stories start with a fundamental list of ingredients: the initial situation, conflict, complication, climax, suspense, denouement, and conclusion. Great writers sometimes shake up the recipe and add some spice.


Meet the Most Cheerful Orphans Ever

Four children, the Alden siblings, are on the run from a "mean" old grandfather they've never met. Their parents are dead, and their worldly possessions amount to approximately $4 and a couple of clean towels. Seeking food and shelter, they buy some bread and ask the baker's wife if they can crash on her couch for one night. She reluctantly agrees.

Rising Action

The Boxcar Children Peace Out

That night, Henry and Jessie overhear a conversation between the baker and his wife, who are planning to ship Benny off to the orphanage the next day. This obviously won't do, so the children flee the bakery under cover of night. After a few days on the road, they find an old boxcar in the middle of the woods and decide they'll make it their home.


Violet Gets a Very Dramatic Head Cold

Things are going great in the children's boxcar squat. Henry has found a job in town, and Jessie has set up an entire household with garbage treasures from the dump. There's just one small snafu, though: One night, out of nowhere, Violet falls ill. She's so sick that Henry consults with Dr. Moore, the man he's been working for. Thankfully, the doctor takes all four kids back to his place so Violet can recover. Phew—that was close.

Falling Action

The Big Reveal

For no discernible reason, Mr. Alden shows up at Dr. Moore's place looking for info on his missing grandchildren. Dr. Moore explains that they've been staying with him while Violet convalesces, and he introduces Mr. Alden to the Boxcar Children without revealing Mr. A.'s true identity. Eventually—we're talking days, if not weeks—Henry catches on. The kids are relieved to find out that their grandfather isn't the mean ogre they presumed him to be. Hurrah.


Total Upgrade

The Boxcar Children love living with their grandfather in his fancy mansion. Despite this, for some reason, they really miss squatting in the boxcar with all of their garbage treasures. Mr. Alden tells the ingrates that they can go back to the forest and live in their boxcar if they love it so much. Just kidding. He super nicely moves the boxcar into his garden so it's there for the kids to visit whenever they're feeling nostalgic.