Tony Timeline and Summary


Tony Timeline and Summary

  • Tony sneaks out of the house to go with Paul and Joni to see DJ Zeke at the bookstore.  
  • He has Paul over or goes to Paul's house to do his homework on occasion, but his parents don't like it. 
  • Paul and Tony go walking one day, Tony mopes about not having a boyfriend, and Paul hugs him. 
  • When a church friend of his mom's sees Paul and Tony hugging, she tells his mom, who bans him from hanging out with Paul anymore.Tony stays away from Paul for a week or so, but eventually invites Paul over again. 
  • When his parents come home and find Paul at their house, Tony stands up to them and tells them Paul has a right to be there. 
  • Because all his friends show up on his doorstep, his parents allow him to go to the Dowager's Dance, where he dances with his new friend Kyle.