Martin Timeline and Summary


Martin Timeline and Summary

  • Candide hires Martin to accompany him on his return to Europe because of Martin’s tragic life story and pessimistic worldview.
  • Martin was robbed by his wife, beaten by his son, denied his job, and persecuted by the Church.
  • Martin and Candide debate philosophy on the ship to France.
  • In France, Martin and Candide explore life among the wealthy.
  • Martin and Candide receive notice that Cunégonde is in Paris and they go to her hotel. Martin quickly realizes that they’re being tricked and advises Candide to bribe the police officer.
  • Martin and Candide leave Paris for England, but decide to go immediately to Venice after witnessing an execution.
  • In Venice, Martin helps Candide search for Cunégonde and Cacambo. He doubts Cacambo will show up at all, considering that Candide gave him a ton of money.
  • Cacambo shows up, dressed as a servant. He tells Candide and Martin to prepare to leave for Turkey immediately.
  • Martin and Candide find Cunégonde, buying the freedom of Pangloss and the Baron on the way.
  • Martin and the gang purchase and live on a farm. They commit themselves to work in order to keep busy and avoid more tragedy. Martin stands with Candide philosophically at the end, with both of them assuring Pangloss that he needs to stop talking and start working.