Carrie Steaminess Rating

Exactly how steamy is this story?


Even in the 1970s, teenagers were having sex. Okay, teenagers have probably been having sex for centuries and centuries. And the teens in Carrie are no different. Sue Snell and Tommy Ross do it multiple times in the backseat of his car, for example. That's pretty R-rated.

Chris Hargensen and Billy Nolan do it too… usually in a seedy roadhouse, complete with a few punches, ripped clothing, and spit-on faces as foreplay.

Yep. The sex in Carrie runs the gamut from loving to borderline abusive. In between those sexcapades, we meet Carrie herself—a girl who is just trying to come to terms with the fact that sex itself isn't inherently good or evil. It just is.

But we warned you: this book has its fair share of graphic sex and violence. Read at your own risk.