Ilsa Lund (Ingrid Bergman)’s Timeline and Summary

Ilsa Lund (Ingrid Bergman)’s Timeline and Summary

  • Ilsa meets, falls in love with and marries Victor Laszlo, a dashing political activist who charms her with his "I'm probably going to get you killed someday" vibe.
  • After she is told that Victor died in a concentration camp, she meets, falls in love with and stands up Rick Blaine, whom she really does care about, but has to ditch after she finds out Victor's still alive.
  • Years later, after fleeing to Casablanca in hopes of catching a plane to Lisbon, chance would have it that she and Victor walk into a club owned by the very gentleman whose heart she stomped on back in Paris.
  • She engages in some mindless chitchat, but can't really get into things with her husband sitting right there.
  • So she returns that evening intending to tell Rick everything, but Rick's drunk and bitter and isn't interested.
  • Ilsa and Victor go to Ferrari, whom they're told might be able to help them procure a couple of exit visas. He could only finagle one, but he tells them that Rick might have a couple in his possession.
  • After Victor tries unsuccessfully to buy the transit letters and returns to their hotel room, Ilsa pleads with him to be careful at his special, super-secret underground meeting. (Ladies—if a man ever gives you this line, don't buy it.)
  • As soon as he's out the door she heads out to talk to Rick herself.
  • When threatening Rick with impending death doesn't work, she caves and tells her old flame that said flame never really died out. They agree to stay in Casablanca together.
  • Ilsa and Victor arrive at the airport, Ilsa still thinking that Victor is the only one getting on the plane. It's there that she gets word that she's actually going with him. She does a slow count to three, accepts it, and it's bon voyage.