Isabel's Mark
Because being a kid typically involves acts of daring-do and danger (think trampolines, wheelies on your bike, touch football, antics on the monkey bars), pretty much all of us have scars, and thos...
Ruth's Doll
When Isabel and Ruth leave Mary Finch's home, Robert instructs them to bring nothing along except their shoes and blankets. This means Ruth must leave behind the only possession that's truly hers:...
Curzon's Red Hat
We've all got personal possessions or clothing that define us for our friends and family. Maybe it's your letter jacket from school, the notebook you're always writing poems and story ideas in, or...
Momma's Seeds
When Isabel and Ruth leave the Finch home, Isabel defies Robert's orders to leave everything behind and takes a handful of seeds that Momma kept in a jar. She later plants some of them outside her...
The King George Statue
If you were cognizant of news events in 2003 (or have just seen your fair share of old news footage), you probably recognized that the scene where a group of rebels tear down the statue of King Geo...