Derek Badger (Lee Bluepenny) Timeline and Summary


Derek Badger (Lee Bluepenny) Timeline and Summary

  • Derek is in Paris while Raven finds him a wrangler and animals for his next show.
  • Back in the day, Derek was a dancer, which means knows absolutely nothing about animals, nature, or handling himself in the wild.
  • When he hears about Alice the alligator, he wants to wrestle her despite Raven's warnings.
  • At the Crays's house, he pouts over not getting what he wants.
  • Then in his fancy-schmancy hotel room, Derek hangs around in his underwear and complains about Mickey.
  • While shooting a scene with a snapping turtle, he disregards warnings and information he is given, pokes the turtle, and nearly loses his nose.
  • Then, as if that weren't foolish enough, he practically strangles poor Beulah, who only leaves him alone because she is full and sleepy.
  • As icing on the cake, Derek totally tries to ride Alice as if she were a horse, and might have died if Mickey hadn't jumped in to save him.
  • He is really mad about being thrashed around until the director shows him the video and he thinks he looks super cool.
  • Next Derek decides he wants to shoot the rest of the episode wild and raw, even though he's never done that before.
  • He offers Mickey a job leading him around the Everglades and catching him some wild animals to mess with on screen.
  • A stuntman who looks like Derek makes a great jump into the swamp, while Derek is lowered by a cable and basket.
  • Later on, he catches the wild snake Mickey found for him and is bitten all over because he won't let go.
  • That night, when Derek finds out he cannot fly back to his hotel because of bad weather, he throws a big hissyfit like a toddler and eats a whole cheesecake. Yay cheesecake.
  • A confused bat lands on his empty plate, so Derek decides to eat it on camera.
  • In self-defense, the bat chomps down on Derek's tongue, refusing to let go until Mickey tickles it.
  • All alone in his tent, Derek suffers from a fever and infection the bat gave him.
  • He thinks he might be turning into a vampire like his favorite character, Dax Mangold, so he runs away to hide.
  • The next morning he steals Link's airboat and crashes into an island, which tosses him into a patch of poison ivy.
  • Derek gets struck by lightning but can't remember anything about it; he still thinks he is turning into a vampire.
  • When Wahoo spots him, he is threatened into helping them bail out Link's airboat.
  • While in the woods relieving himself, a wild pig charges him and tosses into a tree.
  • Derek falls out of the tree… of course.
  • And finally, at the best possible moment, Derek dashes out and chomps Jared's neck.
  • After all is said and done, Derek camps out in his expensive yacht eating an éclair, pouting about being fired, and wishing his heroic escapade with Jared had been filmed.