Dear Mr. Henshaw Freedom and Confinement Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

Mom said we'd never get out of that mobile home when he had to make such big payments on that rig, and she'd never know where he was when he hauled cross-country. (11.3)

Dad wants freedom to travel and is willing to do anything to get his truck. Mom wants the freedom of a permanent house and knowing where her husband is. They're on opposite sides of the freedom versus security question.

Quote #2

We live in a little house, a really little house. […] Mom says at least it keeps the rain off, and it can't be hauled away on a flatbed truck. (13.3)

Some people, like Dad, equate freedom with movement while for some, like Mom, freedom is being secure and stable. Mom believes you can't feel free until you know what your life is going to be like from day to day. It's not that one idea is right and one is wrong, it's just that they're different. When you're married, though, it's probably good to be on the same page about it.

Quote #3

I asked Dad if I could ride with him sometime next summer when school is out, and he said he'd see. (26.1)

Dad likes his freedom and doesn't do well with commitments. He wants to go where the wind blows, crossing back and forth across the country with Bandit and his truck. It's not that he can't take Leigh with him, it's that he doesn't want to commit to it. So he gives Leigh the dreaded "we'll see."