Pampinea Timeline and Summary


Pampinea Timeline and Summary

  • Pampinea meets her friends by chance in the Church of Santa Maria Novella where they pray together.
  • She suggests to them that they leave town to avoid the plague, since they can do nothing by staying.
  • Pampinea proposes that Dioneo, Filostrato and Panfilo accompany them on their journey, in response to Filomena's objection to going alone.
  • Once at the palace, Pampinea suggests the idea of a daily monarch responsible for keeping everyone amused, so things don't get out of hand.
  • As a reward for her initiative, Pampinea's elected queen of the First Day.
  • She establishes the idea of storytelling and everyone agrees.
  • Pampinea starts the storytelling by declaring an open theme.
  • At the end of day two, she sings the ballad "If 'twere not I, what woman would sing," in which she reveals she's lucky in love.
  • At the end of her reign, she elects Filomena the next queen.