Braddock Tarleton Washington Timeline and Summary


Braddock Tarleton Washington Timeline and Summary

  • We learn that Braddock Washington has a diamond as big as the Ritz-Carlton Hotel.
  • When Percy Washington tells John his family history, we learn that Braddock inherited the diamond from his father and, deciding that he had enough wealth, sealed it off from further mining. Since then, he's done everything he can do conceal its existence from the world.
  • John meets Braddock and finds him to be interested only in his own opinions. Braddock takes John for a tour of the estate, explaining the various methods by which he keeps his mountain secret. One of these methods turns out to be shooting down planes overhead and then imprisoning the aviators.
  • Braddock takes John to the prison and then banters back and forth with his underground prisoners. He says that he would be happy to free them, if only they could guarantee their silence. He wishes them no ill will, he insists.
  • We learn from Kismine that Braddock always kills any guests at the estate.
  • John finds Braddock in the hallway elevator and is afraid for his life.
  • After his estate has been attacked by the aviators, Braddock offers God a diamond bribe.
  • When God declines to accept, Braddock leads his family into the mountain to die.