Aron Timeline and Summary


Aron Timeline and Summary

  • Aron is born along with his twin Cal, and their mother leaves shortly after.
  • A year later Aron is named after the biblical Aaron.
  • Aron meets Abra while they're living on the ranch and doesn't waste any time shopping around: he wants to marry her.
  • When he's about ten Aron moves with his family to Salinas. He proceeds to follow Abra everywhere and they become a couple.
  • As a teenager Aron gets really into religion and plans on becoming a minister, much to Abra's chagrin. He really hates being in Salinas and wants to go away.
  • Aron takes his exit exams early (and doesn't tell his father about it), goes to Stanford, and absolutely hates it.
  • After the whole money fiasco at Thanksgiving, Cal decides to take Aron for a walk—to Kate's circus. Aron freaks out, punches Cal, and runs off to join the army.
  • He dies in the war.