Cathy/Kate Timeline and Summary


Cathy/Kate Timeline and Summary

  • Cathy Ames is born in a farm in Connecticut, and from an early age there is something off about her.
  • When Cathy is ten, her mother finds Cathy naked from the waist down with her hands tied and with two boys. The boys claim that it was Cathy's idea.
  • While Cathy is in high school her Latin teacher, Mr. Grew, commits suicide after coming to the Ames's house late at night in a distressed state.
  • Cathy decides that she wants to quit school, but her parents won't allow it so she runs away to Boston and is promptly brought back and beaten.
  • Cathy starts being really nice to her parents, but then they die in a really suspicious fire and Cathy disappears.
  • We see Cathy next in Boston looking for a job as a prostitute with Mr. Edwards. He instead keeps her as his mistress.
  • Cathy has Mr. Edwards wrapped around her finger, but when he gets her drunk one night she spills the beans about her disdain for him. So he takes her away and beats her within an inch of her life, and leaves her for dead.
  • She winds up on Adam's and Charles's porch, pretending to have amnesia. Adam falls head over heels for her but Charles doesn't trust her one bit.
  • Adam decides to marry Cathy and take her out west, though she isn't keen on the idea. The night after their marriage Cathy drugs Adam and has sex with Charles.
  • In California, Cathy finds herself pregnant and tries to perform an abortion on herself. When it doesn't work, the doctor threatens to press charges if she tries it again.
  • Cathy gives birth to twin boys… then she shoots Adam and leaves.
  • Cathy goes to Salinas and gets a job in Faye's brothel as "Kate." Faye takes a shine to her and she becomes second in command.
  • Kate slowly poisons Faye and inherits the whorehouse, which she turns into a much more sinister place.
  • Adam comes to see her at one point, and she shows him all the photographs she has of her clients.
  • Later Kate has a problem with Ethel, a former prostitute who has some dirt on Kate poisoning Faye. Kate has her run out of town, but then regrets it and has her pimp, Joe, go try to track her down.
  • Kate gets more and more paranoid, and has her grey room built.
  • Cal pays a visit to his dear mother.
  • Kate starts going to see her son Aron at the church, unbeknownst to him.
  • Joe lies about Ethel to Kate, making her more paranoid.
  • After Cal brings Aron to the brothel, Kate commits suicide.