Electra Isolation Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Line). We used Lewis Campbell's translation.

Quote #7

Well may he pause who plans a dreadful deed.
I paused not in his rescue from the sword. (320-321)

Good point. Electra does seem to overcome typical gender stereotypes in this play.

Quote #8

But take a ringlet from thy comely head,
And this from mine, that lingers on my brow[3]
Longing to shade his tomb. (448-50)

The locks of hair on Agamemnon's grave unite the three siblings symbolically. Though their actions differ, they all grieve his death.

Quote #9

for not I alone
But Justice slew him; (527-8)

Clytemnestra wants to establish that she had this ally in her murder; that she did not act alone somehow strengthens her defense.