Christian Symbolism

Christian Symbolism

What does E.T. have in common with Jesus? A lot if you agree with those who argue that E.T. is bursting with religious symbolism—specifically parallels between E.T. and Jesus Christ.

No, really! Check it out: Both dropped down from the heavens and, ultimately, returned there. Both have fervent believers. In fact, Elliott tells E.T. directly, "I'll believe in you all my life. Every day." Both promise to stay with those believers always, at least in spirit: Before he leaves, E.T. points at Elliott's forehead and tells him, "I'll be right here."

Sure sounds a lot like a certain guy from Nazareth who famously said, "I'm with you always" (Matthew 28:20). Both rally behind the oppressed and love to show off their healing stuff. Both are viewed as threats, misunderstood, and mistreated by the authorities. Oh, and let's not forget that E.T. and J.C. both died and were resurrected.

Some critics have even compared E.T.'s glowing finger to Michelangelo's Creation of Adam—the famous fresco painting on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel in Rome—even though director Steven Spielberg has made it clear that he didn't intend for E.T. to be viewed as a Christ-like figure. "If I ever went to my mother and said, 'Mom, I've made this movie that's a Christian parable,' what do you think she'd say? She has a kosher restaurant on Pico and Doheny in Los Angeles," he joked).

Still, the religious symbolism in E.T. is strong—just like Elliott's faith in E.T.