Fallen Angels Dreams, Hopes, and Plans Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

My plans, maybe just my dreams really, had been to go to college, and to write like James Baldwin. All the other guys in the neighborhood thought I was going to college. I wasn't, and the army was the place I was going to get away from all the questions. (1.19)

Not being able to go to college—and having to admit that to everyone—definitely hurts Perry's pride. He doesn't want anyone to think less of him, so he goes off to risk his life so he doesn't have to talk about it. Don't try this at home, kids.

Quote #2

As I ran around that day I could hear Mrs. Liebow's words echo in my ears. "You have to get out of yourself, Perry," she had said. "You're too young to be an observer in your own life." (3.112-113)

Perry has a tendency to watch what's going on around him—to think about it instead of engaging with it. Which could be bad for his career someday. What if he'd rather imagine himself doing great things instead of actually going after them? Hm, sounds like the makings of a famous author, worthy to be Shmooped by millions.

Quote #3

"My father's a colonel," Jenkins said. "He wanted me to be infantry. He's got this thing, he calls it his game plan. First I volunteer for the army, then I volunteer for infantry and take advanced individual training in infantry. I serve my time over here, then I go to Officers Candidate School." (3.42)

It doesn't seem like Jenkins is too into this game plan. At no point does he say that it's his: he's living out his dad's dream. At least, until he dies it. Now that's a bummer.