Fallen Chapter 12 Quotes

Fallen Chapter 12 Quotes

How we cite the quotes:

Quote 1

Everything about this service was inadequate and completely wrong. No one was paying Todd any respect by being here. The whole memorial seemed more like an attempt to teach the student how unfair life could be. That Todd's body wasn't even present said so much about the school's relationship—or utter lack thereof—with the departed boy. None of them had known him; none of them ever would. There was something false about standing here today in this crowd, something made worse by the few people who were crying. It made Luce feel like Todd was even more of a stranger to her than he actually had been. (12.12-13)

Sometimes mourning loss is for the living, not the dead, and Luce points that out here as she watches the poorly performed memorial service for Todd's death. The students don't seem to care, and the faculty seem to do a half-hearted job of even putting the show together, indicating that they didn't even know Todd that well. Does it count as a loss if it's not properly mourned? Anyway, Todd wasn't hot or in love with anybody, so we guess he was expendable. (Also, it would have been awkward of Kate had had to deal with a real death for the rest of the novel, so we guess this is all we're going to get. Sometimes a writer's gotta do what a writer's gotta do.)

Quote 2

It was as if a violet glow illuminated his path back through the forest. Like the violet glow she had seen during the library fire. (12.128-129)

Just in case you needed another hint, we provided two. The radioactive spider guess is still on the table, but considering this wing imagery, it seems possible that he might be a radioactive swarmer ant, too. Or, you know, just your average fallen angel.

"I can't afford the luxury of seriously considering someplace else. Sword & Cross is"—she paused—"pretty much a last-ditch effort for me."

"Come on," Daniel said.

"You wouldn't know—"

"I would." He sighed. "There's always another stop, Luce." (12.82-85)

Yeah, Daniel, use that double language to vaguely hint at the fact that Luce has been reincarnating for her entire existence. On the other hand, dude is totally trying to remind her that she's better than the situation she finds herself in.