Gabbe Quotes


Quote 1

"Cam's right, Daniel," Gabbe said quietly. "Something's different this time…something about Luce. The cycle could be broken—and not the way we want it to. I mean…it could end." (18. 115)

Gabbe lays it all on the line for us, telling us what's really at stake this time around. This isn't just about Luce's life, although that's kind of important, too. This is about the entire fate of the world, hanging in the balance between one girl and one fallen angel. Gabbe makes it sound like if Luce dies this time around, not only is she gone for good, but the planet as we know it might be gone for good, too. Great. No pressure.

"Don't eat those." Gabbe had swooped in, lifting the figs out of Luce's fingers and tossing them in the trash. She'd interrupted yet another private conversation and replaced the empty space in Luce's palm with a handful of peanut M&Ms from a vending machine sack…

"She's right, Luce," Arriane had appeared, glowering at Cam. "Who knows what he drugged these with?" (9.15-16)

It might seem to Luce like Gabbe's just butting in here, but Gabbe's really just looking out for her. And sure, accusing your classmate of drugging food is a bit harsh, but Cam and Arriane's relationship relies on mutual animosity. This is also a moment of foreshadowing, though, and it proves that the fruit metaphor is just as suspicious as we thought it might be. After Luce finds out that Cam's a fallen angel working against Daniel, Arriane, and Gabbe, their warnings about his charm and his temptations make the situation seem all the more dangerous.