Fallen Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Fallen? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. How long has Luce been seeing her shadowy foes?

Since she started school at Sword & Cross
Since she was a little girl
Since middle school
She's never actually seen them
Q. Why does Luce feel instantly drawn to Daniel the first time she sees him?

He's drop dead gorgeous, duh.
She feels like she knows him from somewhere, like they've met before.
He smiles at her.
She overhears him talking to Roland about Lucinda Williams, her parents' favorite singer.
Q. Why was Daniel so afraid to kiss Luce all this time?

He didn't really like her.
He was afraid she would die.
He couldn't find the right moment.
He didn't want to be too forward and assume she wanted him to kiss her.
Q. What does Miss Sophia think will happen when she kills Luce?

She just wants to get Luce out of the way so she can go after Daniel.
She thinks Luce is going to side with Cam and wreak havoc to the world.
She doesn't really care; she just thinks Luce is annoying.
She believes Luce's death will tip the scales and bring an end to the eons-long battle among the angels.
Q. What makes Luce so vulnerable during this particular lifetime?

She was raised an only child, whereas in other lifetimes she's also had siblings.
This is the first lifetime in which she's not an orphan.
She wasn't raised with any religious upbringing, and because she wasn't baptized, her soul can't reincarnate.
She was born in America.