Fargo Quiz Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Fargo? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. Why does Gaear kill Jean?

for trying to escape
for being too noisy
for removing a G.I. Joe from the original packaging
as a favor to Jerry
Q. How does Gaear kill Carl?

with kindness
with a shotgun
with an ax
with a metal pipe
Q. Who are the three people that Carl and Gaear kill when first driving away from the kidnapping?

Wade Gustafson, Scotty Lundegaard, and Shep Proudfoot
a state trooper and two criminals in the back of the trooper's cruiser
a state trooper and two random people who drive by
Jerry Lundegaard, Norm Gunderson, and Mike Yanagita
Q. What does Wade do to Carl after Carl shoots him?

hands over the ransom money
shoots him in the face
stabs his foot with a switchblade
dies. Duh.
Q. What do Carl and Gaear argue about right before Gaear kills Carl?

how to split a car Jerry gave them
how to split the ransom money
which diner has the best pancakes
why the Coens set this film in Minnesota