Finding Nemo Quiz Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Finding Nemo? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. Where does The Great Barrier Reef enter dangerous open water?

The Edge
The Cliff
The Drop Off
The Danger Zone
Q. What's P. Sherman's address?

42 Wallaby Way, Sydney
44 Wallaby Way, Sydney
42 Wallaby Way, Melbourne
5 Adelaide Avenue, Deakin
Q. Who do Marlin and Dory meet while riding the East Australian Current?

The Jellyfish
The Moonfish
The Sea Turtles
The Dentist & His Scuba Buddy
Q. What famous musical landmark is located in Sydney Harbour?

The Three Sisters
Sydney Opera House
Queen Victoria Market
The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame
Q. What type of sea creature do Marlin and Nemo live in?

An anemo-none…
A nemenem-menome…
A nememen-nenemone…
Okay, okay, don't hurt yourself.