Fra Lippo Lippi Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Fra Lippo Lippi? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. What makes Lippo make the final decision to climb out of his window?

He's really hungry.
He sees a hottie in the street.
He's bored.
He wants an espresso.
Q. Who is the Prior's niece?

The daughter of his sister
The monastery's nurse, with a specialty in treating asthma
The Prior's mistress
Lippo's girlfriend
Q. What is Lippo's aunt's name?

Auntie Em
Q. Which saint does Lippo imagine chats him up in his painting that he describes at the end?

St. Cosimo
St. Lucy
St. Lapaccia
St. Niece
Q. Who is the Madonna?

Famous singer noted for vogueing
The Prior's niece
Cosimo Medici's wife
The Virgin Mary