How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #1
If he were in love, wouldn't his vision erase her flaws? Wouldn't he see only the best version of her? (4.84)
Loving someone doesn't always mean that you put them on a pedestal. It just means that you see someone's flaws as beautiful.
Quote #2
"Don't talk about dying? You want me to talk about love. They're one and the same, child. One and the same." (5.48)
Uh, that's pretty depressing. Is love really the same thing as dying? They're both scary, sure… but this seems like an incredibly jaded comment.
Quote #3
Pressia can't imagine how someone could give and take love so easily. (29.12)
Pressia's mother supposedly loved many people, and that's not always a bad thing, but it got her into some major trouble. Because of her tendency to let love have authority, Pressia's mother sets herself up to be heartbroken.