Gilead Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Letter.Section.Paragraph)

Quote #1

Children seem to think every pleasant thing has to be a surprise. (1.8.5)

Every parent knows what this means. Never try to guess what a child wants to show you before he or she shows you.

Quote #2

That is how life goes—we send our children into the wilderness. (1.8.10)

Parents do what they can to raise their children right, but in the end, the children grow up, leave home, and go their own ways. Away from the order of the household. Away from the parents' direct influence. This is the wilderness.

Quote #3

He said he couldn't stay for supper. You were disappointed, as I believe your mother was also. (1.8.11)

Throughout the novel, Ames struggles with jealousy. He (wrongly) believes that Jack is waiting him out, planning to marry Lila once Ames has died, just as Ames's congregation wants to build a new church once he's gone into the ground.