Go Set a Watchman Character Quotes
MoreGo Set a Watchman Character Quotes
Jean Louise "Scout" Finch Quotes
Girl ScoutJean Louise Finch—you know her better as scrappy, overalls-wearing Scout—returns home to Maycomb, Alabama. We haven't seen her in about 17 years in book time (and 55 years in real tim...
Atticus Finch Quotes
Everything is A-OKKKAtticus Finch wears two watches—a wristwatch and a pocket watch—but he has no idea what time it is. Yep, times are a-changin', but Atticus can't give up his pocket watch out...
Henry "Hank" Clinton Quotes
Terms and ConditionsPoor Henry....ish.He's a war veteran with a scar from a German's rifle. He had a deadbeat dad and a just plain dead mother. He worked his way through school. Joined the army. St...
Dr. "Uncle Jack" Finch Quotes
Medical Malpractice Uncle Jack Finch looks like Alexandra, had his education paid for by Atticus, dresses like Atticus ("Styles may come and styles may go, but [Uncle Jack] and Atticus will cling t...
Aunt Alexandra Quotes
Tightly WoundAunt Alexandra is the crazy-uptight matriarch of the Finch family. As a woman, she's charged with maintaining her high-class standards in Maycomb society. That means she has "irreconci...
Calpurnia Quotes
The HelpCalpurnia is another character you will recognize from To Kill a Mockingbird. After Jem died, Calpurnia left, so we mainly see her in flashback where she still fills the "magical Negro" rol...