Hrothgar Timeline and Summary


Hrothgar Timeline and Summary

  • Hrothgar and Grendel first meet when the good king chucks an ax at him while Grendel's a young critter, stuck in a tree. 
  • After that, Grendel watches Hrothgar's rise to power. He also watches the king destroy the countryside and kill people mercilessly.  
  • Grendel is both amazed and revolted by Hrothgar's rise to power. He watches as the king learns to collect tribute, builds a meadhall, and gains a Shaper who will sing about his greatness. 
  • Hrothgar acquires Wealtheow from her brother Hygmod as a pledge of peace. 
  • Hrothgar entertains his new brother-in-law that winter, taking up Wealtheow's job of passing the mead bowl around. 
  • That evening, Grendel attacks while Hrothgar's men sleep, and he seizes Wealtheow. Hrothgar can't defend her. 
  • Hrothgar's brother Halga the Good dies and leaves a young son, Hrothulf, without a home. 
  • Hrothulf comes to live with Hrothgar, and Hrothgar eventually sees that the teenager might be a problem for his own young sons. 
  • Hrothgar tries to stabilize his kingdom by planning a marriage between his daughter Freawaru and Ingeld, King of the Heathobards, but he has his doubts. 
  • Hrothgar visits the Shaper as the poet lies on his deathbed.  Shortly afterward, Hrothgar welcomes Beowulf and his thanes to Hart. He's pretty delighted by their offer to perform heroic deeds. 
  • In his drunkenness, Hrothgar tells Beowulf that he thinks of him as a son. Wealtheow is not amused.