Hrothulf Timeline and Summary


Hrothulf Timeline and Summary

  • Hrothulf arrives at Hart during Grendel's theatrical stage. The monster explains the situation by scripting it like a play.
  • Wealtheow is super kind to Hrothulf, hoping he won't want to kill her children in the future.
  • Hrothulf is pretty unhappy about the change in his situation and considers all his options—including taking the throne from his uncle.
  • As he grows more discontented, Hrothulf is encouraged by the anarchist peasant Red Horse, with whom he spends tons of time.
  • Red Horse educates Hrothulf on the evils of government and the necessity of revolution (preferably violent). Hrothulf likes most of what he says but seems to hold back on the worst bits.
  • We learn that Hrothulf's still kind to his little cousins and even blushes whenever Freawaru speaks to him.
  • Later on, Hrothulf puts in an appearance at the Shaper's funeral, dutifully standing by his cousins.
  • Hrothulf hangs out in the meadhall when the Stranger arrives with his crew. He gets to overhear his thoughtless uncle say that the Stranger is like a son to him. Hrothulf picks at his food and says nothing.