Father Wilhelm Kleinsorge Timeline and Summary


Father Wilhelm Kleinsorge Timeline and Summary

  • Father Kleinsorge, a German priest living at the mission in Hiroshima, was in his room when the bomb was dropped, chilling in his undies.
  • Although he had already been feeling unwell and sustained some cuts in the blast, he helped to assist people in the wake of the explosion, including his fellow priests who were in rougher shape.
  • He ended up evacuating to a novitiate in the suburbs, where he recuperated.
  • His health remained spotty for the rest of his life, and he sometimes had to be hospitalized for long stretches.
  • He also became a Japanese citizen, changing his name as part of the transition.
  • He tried to keep up a brisk pace in his duties to the church/his community, but ultimately his health gave out, and he died in 1977.