Executive Order 10730: Little Rock Nine Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Executive Order 10730: Little Rock Nine? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. What helped average Americans in the '50s understand the atrocities being inflicted on Blacks in the South?

Televised marches and demonstrations
Empathy seminars
High school history classes
The Alabama Tourism Council
Q. Why were drinking fountains in the South labeled "white" and "colored"?

White fountains dispensed milk.
Colored fountains dispensed fruit punch.
Blacks were required to use separate fountains.
Whites didn't like food coloring in their water.
Q. Why did the parents of the Little Rock Nine support their kids' decision to go to Central High School?

They thought that suffering builds character.
They hoped to start a reality show.
They wanted the kids out of the house.
They believed a better education was the key to their future.
Q. Brown v. Board of Education overturned what legal doctrine?

Separate but equal
Separate is not equal
Equal time
Time out
Q. What did Little Rock Nine say about their monumental contribution to civil rights?

They regretted their decision.
They were just happy to be there.
Somebody had to go first.
It was no big deal.