Tear Down This Wall: Shout-Outs

    Tear Down This Wall: Shout-Outs

      In-Text References

      Historical and Political References

      Berlin's 750th B-Day (5, 95)
      World War II (24)
      Marshall Plan (26, 28, 31)
      European Community (34, indirectly in 89)
      Wirtschaftswunder (35)
      Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty (it hadn't been signed yet, but Reagan talks about it indirectly in sentences 68-77)
      NATO (75)
      Geneva talks (76)
      Strategic Defense Initiative (79)
      Four Power Agreement of 1971 (94, 96)
      1988 Seoul Olympics (105)

      Name Drops

      Helmut Kohl, Chancellor of West Germany (1)
      Eberhard Diepgen, Governing Mayor of West Berlin (1)
      John F. Kennedy, President of the United States (1, 83)
      Carl von Weizsacker, President of West Germany (20)
      George Marshall, U.S. Secretary of State (26, 27)
      Konrad Adenauer, Chancellor of (West) Germany (36)
      Ludwig Erhard, Chancellor of (West) Germany (36)
      Ernst Reuter, Mayor of West Berlin (36)
      Nikita Khrushchev, Premier of the Soviet Union (45)
      Mikhail Gorbachev, General Secretary of the Communist Party and leader of the Soviet Union (61, 62, 63, 97)

      Pop Culture References

      "Berliner Luft" by Paul Lincke (6)
      "Ich hab' noch ein Koffer in Berlin" by Marlene Dietrich (6)
      Berliner Schnauze (44)

      Geographical References

      Berlin City Hall (1, 83)
      Grunewald (5)
      Tiergarten (5)
      Brandenburg Gate (18, 20, 21)
      Alexanderplatz TV tower (121, 122, 123)
      Reichstag (28, 125)
      Berlin Wall (13-23, 61-63, 110, 125-28)

      References to this Text

      Historical, Political, Literary, and Philosophical References

      This speech is uber-famous and has been widely referenced by politicos, journalists, academics, entertainers, and businessfolk. It's been dissected, analyzed, loved, hated, and remixed to techno. The phrase "tear down this wall" has become part of America's (and the world's) collective memory, and it's everywhere.

      Everywhere. Give it a Google.

      Pop Culture References

      We mention most of them here…but here are a couple of others.

      "Tear Down This Wall *REMIX*" (Source)
      South Park (Source)