Tear Down This Wall: Margaret Thatcher, Speech to Joint Houses of Congress (February 20, 1985)

    Tear Down This Wall: Margaret Thatcher, Speech to Joint Houses of Congress (February 20, 1985)

      The Iron Lady made her Congressional debut in 1985 with this soul-stirrer of a speech. Britain's Prime Minister was already known around the world as a staunch anti-communist kind of girl; in this speech, she underlines that twice and maybe even draws a little bubble around it.

      Because it's that important to her.

      This speech also double-underlines the super-strong bond between the U.S. and Britain, and how committed they both were to saving the world from the evil clutches of communism. That bond was crucial during the Cold War and it's crucial today. If the U.S. ever bought one of those "Best Friends Forever" lockets, there's a good chance they'd give the other half to the Brits.