Home Alone Quiz Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Home Alone? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. What does Kevin tells him Mom that he hopes for at the beginning of the movie?

"I hope that Santa brings me a toy fire engine!"
"I hope we have an awesome vacation in France!"
"I hope that I never see any of you jerks again!"
"I hope they don't cancel Malcolm in the Middle!"
Q. What does Kevin say to the burglars after they've been through a bunch of his booby traps?

"I have the antidote… to the poison you just drank!"
"Let's call a truce."
"Okay—you guys have been through enough already."
"You guys give up—or are you thirsty for more?"
Q. What does Kevin's mother say to an airport agent in Scranton, when she's trying to get back to Kevin?

"If it costs me everything I own, if I have to sell my soul to the devil himself, I am going to get home to my son."
"I love Scranton, and I always go to Alfredo's whenever I come here."
"I'm gonna stab you in the eye with a fork!"
"Can't you at least fly my son to Scranton?"
Q. What does Gus say about the other guys in his polka band?

"You know, Joe, over there. Gosh, you know, he forgets his kids' names half the time. Ziggy over there, he's never even met his kid. Eddy: let's just hope none of them write a book about him."
"If there's one thing these guys love better than a good slice of deep dish, it's polka."
"Joe, there, wrote a book about polka. Ziggy studied classical at the Sorbonne, but then turned to polka. And Eddy—he breathes polka."
"These guys are some of the most spiritually wealthy people I know."
Q. What does Harry yell at Kevin after Kevin hits him with paint cans?

"You bomb me with one more can, kid, I'll pull out your tonsils with the back of a hammer!"
"You bomb me with one more can, kid, and I'll eat your liver with some fava beans and a nice Chianti—ssss-ssss!"
"You bomb me with one more can, kid, and I'll snap off your cajones and boil them in motor oil!"
"You bomb me with one more can, kid, and I'll jam your face in the toilet until you drown to death!"