Edmond Timeline and Summary


Edmond Timeline and Summary

  • Edmond picks Daisy up from the airport, then he starts shagging his American cousin.
  • Family bonding, outdoor frolicking, and more sexytimes ensue until the war separates the family, and Edmond and Isaac get sent to live in a community at Gateshead Farm.
  • Violence and unrest increases, and the situation becomes more ominous; Edmond tries to convince the community to leave and go hide in the woods, but no one listens.
  • Edmond fights with Isaac about whether to stay or go; in the end, Isaac wins.
  • Edmond refuses to keep moving, though, so eventually Isaac leaves him, at which point he returns to Gateshead Farm in an attempt to warn the others again. He witnesses their brutal massacre.
  • Edmond is found by enemy soldiers, whom he stays with for over a month before walking away.
  • He returns home, where he is greeted by Piper and Isaac, but he refuses to speak for a year.
  • Six years later, he's reunited with his cousin-love Daisy, but he's angry with her for leaving him.
  • Edmond continues to garden as Daisy continues to work on their relationship.