In Cold Blood Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around In Cold Blood? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. The theory that Bonnie Clutter's depression was the cause of a spinal problem was:

Based on the latest research
Really hard to believe
a Freudian idea
Based on an episode of "Scrubs"
Q. Dick's opinion of sexual molestation of little girls is:

He's ashamed of his desire to do it.
He believes that all "normal" men want to do it, if they were honest about it.
It seemed Ok in "Lolita."
A and B
Q. The legal ruling that decides whether Dick and Perry could be considered insane is:

Marbury v. Madison
Joe Versus the Volcano
The Durham Rule
The M'Naghten Rule
Q. One symptom of Dick's sociopathy is:

Repeated violations of the law
Bad tattoos
An obsession with "Law and Order: SVU"
Q. The author seems to think that the cause of Perry's criminal behavior is

His motorcycle accident
Binge-watching "Dexter"
His history of childhood abuse and neglect
Reading trashy novels